199 point SEO checklist to up your SEO game !

With this ultimate 199 point SEO checklist you can easily find key SEO and other tech issues with the website that may be hampering the overall performance of the website. You will also uncover key features of the website in the process.

Feel free to connect with us for any clarifications that you may need with this checklist.

Check Grading Tools Completed
GOOGLE (13 checks)
Is Google Analytics Installed? gachecker.com Yes /No
GA duplication check GA Debug Extension Yes /No
Is Search Console setup? GSC Yes /No
Are there any Search Console errors? GSC Yes /No
Google cache analysis cache:’ in browser Yes /No
Is there a sitemap.xml file? Sitemap Check Yes /No
Is there a discrepancy between indexed pages in Google and Sitemap? Check Sitemap in GSC and site:in Google Yes /No
Are any invalid pages in the sitemap? Screaming Frog Yes /No
Are there any negative search results for the brand? Google / Visual Yes /No
Are there any negative Google Autosuggest? Google / Visual Yes /No
Is there a Google News sitemap.xml file? GSC Yes /No
Any manual actions? GSC Yes /No
Are there any crawl errors? GSC Yes /No
BENCHMARKS (6 checks)
Total Pages Indexed in Google Site: in Browser Yes /No
Total Number of Backlinks diib/ Ahrefs Yes /No
Total Number of Linking Root Domains diib/ Ahrefs Yes /No
Total Number of Organic Keywords GSC / Ahrefs / SEMRush Yes /No
20-50 Top Keyword Positions GSC / Ahrefs / SEMRush Yes /No
Domain Age webconfs.com/web-tools/domain-age-tool/ Yes /No
Top 3-5 competitors identified? Client / SEMRush / Ahrefs Yes /No
Has the competition been benchmarked? Visual / Export Yes /No
Competitor top 10 keywords Visual / Export Yes /No
Competitor average search positions Visual / Export Yes /No
Top ranking keywords Visual / Export Yes /No
Competitor Content Analysis Ahrefs Content Explorer Yes /No
Site protocol checks Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Pagination checks Screaming Frog Yes /No
Canonical checks Screaming Frog Yes /No
Print version Noindexed? Visual Yes /No
Has Internal Linking been classified on primary pages? Screaming Frog / SEMRush Yes /No
Site Visualisation Checks Screaming Frog / Sitebulb Yes /No
Internal redirects Screaming Frog Yes /No
Redirect chains & Redirect loops Screaming Frog Yes /No
Robots.txt present? Visual Yes /No
Robots.txt review Visual / SC Yes /No
Are pages being correctly blocked by Robots.txt? Visual Yes /No
Are pages being correctly blocked by Meta Robots? Screaming Frog Yes /No
Site Structure & Silo Use Screaming Frog / Sitebulb Yes /No
Category Use (ecomm) Visual Yes /No
URL naming convention – is this well optimised? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Error Pages Screaming Frog Yes /No
Is an HTML Sitemap in use? Visual / Screaming Frog Yes /No
Are Tag Pages being used? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Is the site using a crumb trail? Visual Yes /No
Is primary navigation easy to use? Visual / UX Yes /No
Footer navigation checks? Visual Yes /No
Is all good content under 4 clicks from home? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Menu setup and use Visual Yes /No
Primary Protocol Use (HTTP / HTTPS)? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Does the site have a valid SSL certificate? Chrome / sslchecker.com Yes /No
Do all pages redirect from HTTP to HTTPS correctly? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Is an HSTS policy in place? securityheaders.com Yes /No
Does the site use Subdomains? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Does the site carry a Favicon? Visual Yes /No
Site Uptime uptimerobot.com Yes /No
Broken / Redirected Internal Links Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Broken / Redirected External Links Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Javascript Use Screaming Frog / Visual Yes /No
Is the .htaccess file configured correctly? Visual Yes /No
Are Dynamic Pages being served correctly? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Does the site have open dynamic pages that can be blocked? From Crawl Data Yes /No
Malware & Security Checks sitecheck.sucuri.net Yes /No
Blacklist check
mxtoolbox.com & ultratools.com/tools/spamDBLookup
Yes /No
Site Speed Checks webpagetest.org / GTMetrix Yes /No
Are any pages being duplicated due to poor architecture? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Structured Data & Schema Use Google Testing Tool / SC Yes /No
Are there any Chrome Console Errors? Chrome Inspect Yes /No
Is CSS being minified? seositecheckup.com/tools/css-minification-test Yes /No
Is Inline CSS being used? Visual Yes /No
Is every site page secure and without errors? Screaming Frog Yes /No
Are there any canonical errors? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Are all ads and affiliate links nofollowed? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Can the site be crawled and used without Javascript on? Chrome Web Developer Exension Yes /No
Server location by IP iplocation.net Yes /No
Check all sites on webserver viewdns.info/reverseip/ Yes /No
Do any pages have more than 100 external links? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
What platform is the site built on? builtwith.com Yes /No
Does the platform come with known restrictions? Research Yes /No
Is a CDN in use? builtwith.com Yes /No
Check domain history SEMRush / Wayback Machine Yes /No
How many images are used sitewide? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Are images being optimised? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Are ALT tags being regularly used? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
Are images named sympathetically? Most Crawling Tools Yes /No
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